Source code for advection_fv4.simulation

from __future__ import print_function

import importlib
import advection_rk
import advection_fv4.fluxes as flx
import mesh.array_indexer as ai
import mesh.fv as fv
from simulation_null import grid_setup, bc_setup
import particles.particles as particles

[docs]class Simulation(advection_rk.Simulation):
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize the grid and variables for advection and set the initial conditions for the chosen problem. """ my_grid = grid_setup(self.rp, ng=4) # create the variables my_data = fv.FV2d(my_grid) bc = bc_setup(self.rp)[0] my_data.register_var("density", bc) my_data.create() self.cc_data = my_data if self.rp.get_param("particles.do_particles") == 1: n_particles = self.rp.get_param("particles.n_particles") particle_generator = self.rp.get_param("particles.particle_generator") self.particles = particles.Particles(self.cc_data, bc, n_particles, particle_generator) # now set the initial conditions for the problem problem = importlib.import_module("advection_fv4.problems.{}".format(self.problem_name)) problem.init_data(self.cc_data, self.rp)
[docs] def substep(self, myd): """ take a single substep in the RK timestepping starting with the conservative state defined as part of myd """ # this is identical to the RK version, but we need to # dupe it here to pull in the correct fluxes myg = myd.grid k = myg.scratch_array() flux_x, flux_y = flx.fluxes(myd, self.rp, self.dt) F_x = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=flux_x, grid=myg) F_y = ai.ArrayIndexer(d=flux_y, grid=myg) k.v()[:, :] = \ (F_x.v() - F_x.ip(1))/myg.dx + \ (F_y.v() - return k