Source code for diffusion.simulation

""" A simulation of diffusion """

import importlib
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import mesh.patch as patch
from simulation_null import NullSimulation, grid_setup, bc_setup
import multigrid.MG as MG
from util import msg

[docs]class Simulation(NullSimulation): """ A simulation of diffusion """
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize the grid and variables for diffusion and set the initial conditions for the chosen problem. """ # setup the grid my_grid = grid_setup(self.rp, ng=1) # for MG, we need to be a power of two if my_grid.nx != my_grid.ny:"need nx = ny for diffusion problems") n = int(math.log(my_grid.nx)/math.log(2.0)) if 2**n != my_grid.nx:"grid needs to be a power of 2") # create the variables # first figure out the boundary conditions -- we allow periodic, # Dirichlet, and Neumann. bc, _, _ = bc_setup(self.rp) for bnd in [bc.xlb, bc.xrb, bc.ylb, bc.yrb]: if bnd not in ["periodic", "neumann", "dirichlet"]:"invalid BC") my_data = patch.CellCenterData2d(my_grid) my_data.register_var("phi", bc) my_data.create() self.cc_data = my_data # now set the initial conditions for the problem problem = importlib.import_module("diffusion.problems.{}".format(self.problem_name)) problem.init_data(self.cc_data, self.rp)
[docs] def method_compute_timestep(self): """ The diffusion timestep() function computes the timestep using the explicit timestep constraint as the starting point. We then multiply by the CFL number to get the timestep. Since we are doing an implicit discretization, we do not require CFL < 1. """ cfl = self.rp.get_param("driver.cfl") k = self.rp.get_param("diffusion.k") # the timestep is min(dx**2/k, dy**2/k) xtmp = self.cc_data.grid.dx**2/k ytmp = self.cc_data.grid.dy**2/k self.dt = cfl*min(xtmp, ytmp)
[docs] def evolve(self): """ Diffusion through dt using C-N implicit solve with multigrid """ self.cc_data.fill_BC_all() phi = self.cc_data.get_var("phi") myg = self.cc_data.grid # diffusion coefficient k = self.rp.get_param("diffusion.k") # setup the MG object -- we want to solve a Helmholtz equation # equation of the form: # (alpha - beta L) phi = f # # with alpha = 1 # beta = (dt/2) k # f = phi + (dt/2) k L phi # # this is the form that arises with a Crank-Nicolson discretization # of the diffusion equation. mg = MG.CellCenterMG2d(myg.nx, myg.ny, xmin=myg.xmin, xmax=myg.xmax, ymin=myg.ymin, ymax=myg.ymax, xl_BC_type=self.cc_data.BCs['phi'].xlb, xr_BC_type=self.cc_data.BCs['phi'].xrb, yl_BC_type=self.cc_data.BCs['phi'].ylb, yr_BC_type=self.cc_data.BCs['phi'].yrb, alpha=1.0, beta=0.5*self.dt*k, verbose=0) # form the RHS: f = phi + (dt/2) k L phi (where L is the Laplacian) f = mg.soln_grid.scratch_array() f.v()[:, :] = phi.v() + 0.5*self.dt*k * ( (phi.ip(1) + phi.ip(-1) - 2.0*phi.v())/myg.dx**2 + ( + - 2.0*phi.v())/myg.dy**2) mg.init_RHS(f) # initial guess is zeros mg.init_zeros() # solve the MG problem for the updated phi mg.solve(rtol=1.e-10) # mg.smooth(mg.nlevels-1,100) # update the solution phi.v()[:, :] = mg.get_solution().v() # increment the time self.cc_data.t += self.dt self.n += 1
[docs] def dovis(self): """ Do runtime visualization. """ plt.clf() phi = self.cc_data.get_var("phi") myg = self.cc_data.grid plt.imshow(np.transpose(phi.v()), interpolation="nearest", origin="lower", extent=[myg.xmin, myg.xmax, myg.ymin, myg.ymax], plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.title("phi") plt.colorbar() plt.figtext(0.05, 0.0125, "t = {:10.5f}".format(self.cc_data.t)) plt.pause(0.001) plt.draw()