Source code for util.msg

support output in highlighted colors

from __future__ import print_function
import sys

# inspiration from
# which in-turn cites the blender build scripts
class _TermColors(object):
    WARNING = '\033[33m'
    SUCCESS = '\033[32m'
    FAIL = '\033[31m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'

[docs]def fail(string): """ Output a string to the terminal and abort if we are running non-interactively. The string is colored red to indicate a failure """ print(_TermColors.FAIL + string + _TermColors.ENDC) # only exit if we are not running in interactive mode. sys.ps1 is # only defined in interactive mode. if hasattr(sys, 'ps1'): return else: sys.exit()
[docs]def warning(string): """ Output a string to the terminal colored orange to indicate a warning """ print(_TermColors.WARNING + string + _TermColors.ENDC)
[docs]def success(string): """ Output a string to the terminal colored green to indicate success """ print(_TermColors.SUCCESS + string + _TermColors.ENDC)
[docs]def bold(string): """ Output a string in a bold weight""" print(_TermColors.BOLD + string + _TermColors.ENDC)