advection_weno package

The pyro advection solver. This implements a finite difference Lax-Friedrichs flux split method with WENO reconstruction based on Shu’s review from 1998 ( although the notation more follows Gerolymos et al (

Most of the code is taken from advection_rk and toy-conslaw.

The general flow of the solver when invoked through is:

  • create grid

  • initial conditions

  • main loop

    • fill ghost cells
    • compute dt
    • compute fluxes
    • conservative update
    • output



advection_weno.fluxes module

advection_weno.fluxes.fluxes(my_data, rp, dt)[source]

Construct the fluxes through the interfaces for the linear advection equation

\[a_t + u a_x + v a_y = 0\]

We use a high-order flux split WENO method to construct the interface fluxes. No Riemann problems are solved. The Lax-Friedrichs flux split will probably make it diffusive; the lack of a transverse solver also will not help.

my_data : CellCenterData2d object

The data object containing the grid and advective scalar that we are advecting.

rp : RuntimeParameters object

The runtime parameters for the simulation

dt : float

The timestep we are advancing through.

scalar_name : str

The name of the variable contained in my_data that we are advecting

out : ndarray, ndarray

The fluxes on the x- and y-interfaces

advection_weno.fluxes.fvs(q, order, u, alpha)[source]

Perform Flux-Vector-Split (LF) finite differencing using WENO in 1d.

q : np array

input data with at least order+1 ghost zones

order : int

WENO order (k)

u : float

Advection velocity in this direction

alpha : float

Maximum characteristic speed

f : np array


advection_weno.simulation module

class advection_weno.simulation.Simulation(solver_name, problem_name, rp, timers=None, data_class=<class 'mesh.patch.CellCenterData2d'>)[source]

Bases: advection.simulation.Simulation


Evolve the linear advection equation through one timestep. We only consider the “density” variable in the CellCenterData2d object that is part of the Simulation.


Compute the advective timestep (CFL) constraint. We use the driver.cfl parameter to control what fraction of the CFL step we actually take.


take a single substep in the RK timestepping starting with the conservative state defined as part of myd